Sick puppy? No, not that tiny pooch, but that lovable little fellow who is just recovering from a major medical condition. Because their small bodies are so weak, they tend to get many of the same diseases as dogs who are much bigger.
Some of these common puppy health issues can be either acquired in an early or hereditary basis. These include congenital heart and lung defects, kidney failures, skeletal defects like hip dysplasia, and allergies, to name a few. If you notice any of these symptoms in your puppy, it is best to have him evaluated by a veterinarian immediately so that the pup can be put on a preventative treatment regimen to avoid future illnesses.
There are many puppy health problems that are not life threatening, but can be a nuisance. They include parasites, bacterial infections, and mange, to name a few. These things are often overlooked but are as important as any type of canine disease. The following are some things to keep in mind when taking care of your dog:
Scabies – This is a common skin disorder in which the skin becomes extremely itchy and inflamed. Puppies are at higher risk for contracting scabies than adult dogs because their immune systems are not as strong. Puppies will more than likely suffer from a series of bumps and rash, as well as bald spots. Scabies can affect any part of your puppy’s body, but is more often found on the scalp, chest, abdomen, or legs. It can be difficult to tell whether your puppy has scabies or not. The best way to be sure is to take your pooch to the veterinarian for proper diagnosis.
If you notice signs of scabies, consult your vet. Your vet can perform a simple exam of your pup, to determine if he or she has scabies. A medication can then be prescribed by your vet to treat the scabies. If the scabies do not seem to improve, then your vet may advise the next step for treatment.
Diarrhea – This is another common problem amongst puppies. The cause of diarrhea is quite simple – food particles can get stuck between the teeth of your puppy, causing indigestion. It is recommended that your puppy be given probiotics to treat the diarrhea as soon as possible, to curb future bouts of diarrhea. Other treatment methods that your vet may suggest include giving your dog extra protein and fluids.