Dog insurance is a must have for any dog owner. In times of sickness and injury, having your dog covered can really make a difference. Even if you own multiple dogs, pet insurance is a great way to help cover those additional costs. When you insure your pet, not only will you be saving money on vet bills, but also making sure that you have adequate coverage should your dog need emergency care.
“It’s as much fun loving your dog as you are taking care of it,” says Dave Conley, president of The Pet Insurance Plan, a Columbus, OH-based company that provides pet health insurance for pet owners. “That said, you also have a responsibility to protect them in case of accident or injury.” Dogs are the most common victims of injuries, but catchers and joggers and other types of sportsmen can suffer injuries as well. Most of these accidents occur during normal day-to-day activities. Most of the time, pets survive these accidents without any major medical care at all. Pet insurance covers, in full or in part, for veterinarian treatment of the insured individual’s sick or damaged pet.
“The unfortunate truth is that many owners don’t know that coverage exists,” says pointer Tim Means, owner of Concrete Beach Dog Park in Florida. “For the most part, people assume that their pet will never need it. However, sometimes even healthy dogs develop chronic conditions such as cancer or diabetes. They may also contract infectious diseases, which can lead to life-threatening situations. A healthy pet is worth more than a healthy owner, so be sure to protect them with the right kind of coverage.”
One of the best ways that dog owners can ensure that they provide proper coverage for their pets is by purchasing pet insurance. This type of coverage is a low cost means of protecting a pet’s health throughout his or her lifetime. By paying a low monthly premium, an insured owner can have the peace of mind that their beloved pet will receive the level of care and veterinary attention that they would afford themselves.
Of course, there are many types of pet health insurance policies that are available. Depending upon the needs and the wants of the dog owner, the insurer will find a policy that fits their lifestyle and pet health needs. In some cases, insurance policies cover emergency procedures like a dog being shot. These types of accidents happen less often but have been known to completely turn the lives of many animals’ owners around.
Dog owners today have a variety of options available when it comes to purchasing pet insurance. One of the benefits of this type of coverage is that it provides the insured with financial protection in case of major medical care or accidents. Veterinarians agree that the vast majority of minor dog injuries or illnesses are preventable. Many of these disorders and accidents could easily be prevented with routine preventative pet care. An uninsured dog owner runs the risk of not only losing his or her best friend, but could also be faced with large veterinary bills that exceed the insurance policy’s financial limits. Pet health insurance helps defray those costs, allowing dog owners to take good care of their furry family members without worrying about the cost of unforeseen medical care or the bills if an accident or illness should arise.