As your puppy continues to grow and develop, it is important to be aware of your puppy’s health and concerns. Puppy health issues can range from a simple case of diarrhea to a serious condition that requires veterinary attention. Not all health problems are preventable or predictable, but you can minimize the risk of these […]
Puppy Health Care Information for Your New Family Addition
Puppy Health is a critical part of ensuring the overall good health and well being of your dog. Although the majority of breeders take great care to ensure the well being of the puppy they are selling, there are inevitable health concerns that are going to arise over the life of your new puppy. Knowing […]
Puppy Training 101 – Part Four: Selecting Your Puppy’s Parents
Puppies are adorable animals that everyone loves to take home as their new family member. However, not all puppies are the same. A puppy is only a tiny puppy in comparison to an adult dog. Some puppies may weigh just 1.-1.5 kg, whereas larger ones may weigh up to 8.-10 kg. All healthy puppies develop […]
What to Expect When Picking Your Puppy
Puppies are adorable. Many new parents envision small, cute puppies when they bring a new baby home. Unfortunately, some people mistake tiny puppies for tiny adults. Because puppies are growing rapidly before their eyes, they can look very different from their adult counterparts. The best time to get a puppy is when you already have […]